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Area malls removing cell phone-recycling kiosks [Links]

"The company that runs malls in Towson, Columbia, Owings Mills and White Marsh is removing cellphone-recycling kiosks from its Maryland locations after politicians voiced concerns that the machines contribute to cellphone thefts."

Mall management firm removing cell phone kiosks [Baltimore Sun]: “The company that runs malls in Towson, Columbia, Owings Mills and White Marsh is removing cellphone-recycling kiosks from its Maryland locations after politicians voiced concerns that the machines contribute to cellphone thefts.”
Maryland exchange enrollment up 58% [Baltimore Business Journal]: “As of Dec. 21, a total of 11,715 people had completed enrollment in private health plans through Maryland Health Connection, the state’s online insurance marketplace, compared to 7,435 people a week earlier.”
Baltimore’s jump in homicides in 2013 defies national trends [Baltimore Brew]: “While the final tallies from the FBI won’t be official for many months, a review of publicly-available police stats by The Brew show that Baltimore’s 7.3% rise in homicides in 2013 – from 219 to 235 – is matched only by spikes in Newark, Washington and Indianapolis.”

Companies: University System of Maryland / Maryland Health Connection

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