
This week’s Brooklyn tech jobs: operations, operations, operations

This week's On the Market is heavy on the soft skills. Liberal-arts majors, rejoice!

Inside the office of one of Dumbo's fastest growing startups, Songkick. (Photo by Tyler Woods)

On the Market is a Technical.ly column where we highlight new and noteworthy job openings and the people who are lookin’. Got a submission? Email us and tell us why it belongs in the roundup.

goTenna is looking for a sales director.

The off-the-grid communications company has an outspoken founder, Daniela Perdomo, who’s not afraid to speak up about her principles in the Trump era.

Etsy is hiring for a director of quality and operations support.

The marketplace company has also not shied away from politics and principles, as last month it was one of a group of 97 tech heavyweights that filed an amicus curiae, or friend-of-the-court, brief in support of the state of Washington, which filed suit against the Trump administration over its executive order limiting immigration.

Playcrafting is seeking a director of operations.

The company — which is a bit like General Assembly for video games — is looking for someone to “oversee and grow our community of game developers and enthusiasts in New York and to as assist with operations in Boston.”

Want more jobs? Our NET/WORK career fair is coming up April 5. You should come. It’ll be fun.

Get tickets ($10)
Companies: Etsy

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