
Williamsburg’s codeless programming app launches out of beta

Can Bubble change the way people build startups?

Josh Haas (left) and Emmanuel Straschnov are the guys behind Bubble. (Photo by Tyler Woods)

Bubble announced Thursday morning that it is coming out of beta and is ready for public consumption.
We feel that the product is ready,” Emmanuel Straschnov, cofounder of the slyly named startup said Wednesday. “We’ve proven that it works. We’ve had some users get into accelerators and one who got into 500 Startups. So it’s time to not be shy anymore.”
Bubble allows people to build websites without having to know how to code. Though it has its own interface that requires some learning, the idea is to build a site using widgets, dragging and dropping, and commands written in English.

Technical.ly Brooklyn profiled Bubble in July, when the founders talked about the implications Bubble could have if the barriers to entry in web development are lowered.

You have to be an engineer to start Airbnb but I would say Airbnb is not an engineering business, it’s a hospitality business,” Straschnov said at the time. “The talent pool of people that can build this stuff is very limited and I’m sure there are many people who are very talented people who could maybe even build a better Airbnb.”

In their announcement, Bubble’s founders quoted on of the site’s users, who used the service to create her company. Tara Reed is the founder of an art collecting service called Kollecto.

“Bubble allowed us to build a robust recommendation engine, without writing a single line of code,” she said. “We were able to design our app exactly as we imagined without the cost of engineering. We used it to prove our concept, raise venture money and get accepted to a top startup accelerator.”

It’s an exciting time for the company, which is entirely bootstrapped, and has no plans of taking on equity investors or debt.

“What we’ve tried to do, a lot of people have tried, so people think that won’t work,” Straschnov said. “So we wanted to take some time before we got out there.”

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