N3rd Street / StartUp PHL /

The biggest Philly tech stories of 2014 [ Podcast]

We join the lead reporters from our sister sites to talk about the biggest stories of 2014. Plus: a list of our top stories, as determined by site traffic and social media shares.

2014 was the year Comcast announced it was going to build a new Center City skyscraper that would house 4,000 employees, the year N3rd Street became “official” and the year the Nutter administration’s startup investment fund made bets on five local companies.

And as Philly’s tech scene grows (and attracts venture capital from the West Coast), we’re still talking about the importance of location: should a startup follow the money? Or should it dedicate itself to a place and figure it out from there?

Those are a few of the local stories we talked about in the year-end podcast (yep, we’re getting a head start), which features a roundtable look-back with’s five lead reporters and editorial director Christopher Wink, as well as a look at what community members thought the biggest stories were. The University City Science Center’s Kristen Fitch talked to us for that segment.

  • Listen below, download the episode or subscribe to the Podcast on iTunes or Stitcher.

Also of note from the podcast: the “genderless, sexless, raceless” DCDino (essentially a person inside a cardboard velociraptor) that wants to get out the vote.


And, while we’re in a reflective mood, here’s a look at the most-trafficked and most-shared Philly stories of 2014.

Companies: Comcast / Philadelphia Police Department / Philadelphia School District

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