
Former Morning Consult exec is back with a new analytics startup

Called Olympus Intel, the platform compiles government data to help founders get market size insights.

Olympus Intel CEO Tyler Sinclair uses the company's platform. (Courtesy)

Through his consulting work, Tyler Sinclair has had several clients ask for help figuring out their company’s total market size, which makes up the total number of possible buyers and the total revenue sales to those buyers may generate. 

Those numbers exist, but can be hard for the average person to find, compile and understand, Sinclair said. 

“I’m a perfectionist and a data person, and I was spending 12, 13 hours on one of these examples or exercises for a client, and I was not even getting it to my definition of good,” Sinclair, who launched TGS Insights at the beginning of 2023, told “The data is all here. … This is a repeatable process that a lot of folks want and need.”

To address this need, he and fellow leaders at his DC consultancy decided to start another company less than two years later. 

Olympus Intel, which launched today, developed a tool to help founders get insights about market sizing, taking into account details like the user’s industry, business model, geography and customer base. The platform compiles data from the US Census and the Bureau of Labor Statistics to get information about total market size and other insights based on company size, scope of customers and location of the business, per Sinclair, who also serves as the new company’s CEO. 

Bar and circle charts sit next to each other on platform showing black text against the white background.
Olympus Intel platform. (Courtesy)

Olympus Intel houses a relational database based in AWS, and a custom application was built to calculate the data, he noted.  

The startup, like TGS insights, builds on Sinclair’s experience as a former founding employee of the DC data intelligence and analytics unicorn Morning Consult. He emphasized that Olympus Intel is not a spinout or a part of TGS Insights, but its own entity. Still, the four-person team at this new company is also on staff at the consulting firm and bootstrapping Olympus Intel with their TGS Insights salaries, he explained. As of now, there has been no venture capital or angel investment. 

This platform is the result of a pain point the team at TGS Insights has experienced itself or witnessed in finding and compiling this data, said Clare Bennett, a cofounder and the head of marketing at both TGS Insights and Olympus Intel. She met Sinclair at Morning Consult, where she was director of marketing.  

“This is … saving founders, especially, lots of time and headache and uncertainty,” Bennett told “The hope is that we can … be then building out additional tools that will help make that growth stage slightly less painful.”

Ahead of the launch, Sinclair and the rest of his founding team have been working with about 15 beta testers. The mix of founders and venture capitalists are interested in bringing the tool to their portfolio companies, per Bennett. 

For the future, Sinclair is looking at developing a tool to help founders with revenue optimization and identify ideal customer profiles, in addition to its current capabilities. 

He admitted juggling two startups is tough and that it’s been difficult prioritizing. But launching this startup has been an entirely new experience from TGS Insights, and each has inherently different issues.  

“There are challenges to building and growing a consulting business,” Sinclair said, “and there are challenges to building and growing a SaaS business.”

Companies: Morning Consult

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