
Hear what Jack Dorsey and Peter Thiel had to say when they were in Philly [ Podcast]

The cofounders of Twitter and Paypal talk pitches, Ferguson and the future.

HubBub Coffee owner Drew Crockett with fellow entrepreneur (and Square CEO) Jack Dorsey, during Dorsey's recent visit to Philadelphia. (Photo by Kimberly Paynter/WHYY)

Two big West Coast names in tech — Twitter cofounder Jack Dorsey and Paypal cofounder Peter Thiel — came to town this fall. Our editor in chief Zack Seward interviewed them for this month’s podcast, which features conversations with entrepreneurs of all different stripes (veterans like Dorsey and Thiel, a 21-year-old Thiel Fellow and a Baltimore founder on his second startup, after the first one failed).

  • Listen below, download the episode or subscribe to the Podcast on iTunes or Stitcher.

Plus: Dorsey talked about why he went to Ferguson after a police officer fatally shot 18-year-old Michael Brown this summer.

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Companies: RedBerrry / Square / PayPal /

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