
Geeks on a Train: 4 Brooklyn Startups Demo in Philly [EVENT]

Next Tuesday, four Brooklyn startups will hop on a train headed for Philly. They're coming to present their ventures and share their startup experiences with a local crowd of investors, entrepreneurs and technologists.

Full Disclosure: Technically Philly is organizing this event.

Next Tuesday, four Brooklyn startups will hop on a train headed for Philly. They’re coming to present their ventures and share their startup experiences with a local crowd of investors, entrepreneurs and technologists. But why?

“Demoing in Philly allows two great cities to combine the best of our attributes and help each other out in the overall goal of creating entrepreneurial value,” said Jason Struhl, co-organizer of Brooklyn Tech Meetup, the group with which Technically Philly is partnering on the event.

In the spirit of collaboration, join Philly and Brooklyn Tech Meetup next Tuesday, June 18th at 6:30pm at First Round Capital to hear unique perspectives from our friends on the other side of Jersey.

It’s free, there will be pizza and beer and you can get a sense of what’s happening in the Brooklyn startup scene. (We organized a similar event with friends from Baltimore.)

RSVP to Geeks on a Train Brooklyn here

The following startups will be there to give brief presentations:

  • MONTAJ: a free iPhone app that gives the user the ability to quickly shoot clips, edit in seconds & share.
  • BuzzTable: a mobile guest management app for restaurants that maintains a wait list and collects customer information to improve experience.
  • GetGlue: an app designed to create a deeply personalized, social and connected experience around television, movies and sports.
  • Advisoray: an online platform of searchable advisors to help users solve problems and improve their businesses. It is an invitation only membership-based network where professionals with different skill sets and expertise can apply to join and list themselves and their services in select categories.

This event is organized as a partnership between Technically Philly and the Brooklyn Tech Meetup.


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