AR / Delaware / Media / Real estate

3D photo tours have made their way to Delaware beach houses

Realtor Sandi Bisgood is giving prospective buyers a new way to see listings.

Back in the 2D era. (Photo by Flickr user Boston Public Library, used under a Creative Commons license)

Are the days of physical house showings over for the real estate industry?
Probably not. But one beach realtor in Delaware is using 3D photo-tour technology to save both her and prospective home buyers time.
“The No. 1 complaint I hear from people looking for a home is that the photographs they see online — even when they are good quality — don’t give them the sense of what the space is really like,” realtor Sandi Bisgood told beach paper the Cape Gazette. “Rooms look larger or smaller than they are, and they can’t tell which rooms are in the front or rear, or open to each other. This technology has completely solved that problem.”
The technology — hardware from virtual reality company Matterport — isn’t exactly new, but it’s beginning to have some serious influence on realty.
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