
Gerald G. Lopez

Gerald Lopez is the director of operations and business development and the inaugural center associate director at the University of Pennsylvania Singh Center for Nanotechnology. His role creates and executes business strategies to foster collaboration and improve the center’s operations. His prior professional experience in academia and the semiconductor industry encompasses lithography process development and tooling as a former manager at the Singh Center; technical sales and support in direct-write lithography at GenISys, Inc.; his software engineering career at SITA; his former nanotechnology consultancy, Helio Nano, LLC; and his time as a graduate researcher at the Georgia Institute of Technology. Dr. Lopez founded and is the board chair for the Meeting for Advanced Electron Beam Lithography (MAEBL). Moreover, he serves in the leadership for the International Conference on Electron, Ion and Photon Beam Technology and Nanofabrication (EIPBN), having served as its 2021 conference chair. Today, he is one of the coordinators in the Mid-Atlantic Semiconductor Hub, a consortium aimed to elevate the region’s relevance in the CHIPS and Science Act. He is passionate about education, mentorship, and connecting the next generation to nano-enabled opportunities. Dr. Lopez received his Ph.D. and M.S. in Electrical & Computer Engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology and his B.S. in Computer Engineering cum laude from the University of Maryland, Baltimore County as a Meyerhoff Scholar and Janice A. Lumpkin Scholar.

Photo of Gerald G. Lopez