This past school year, fifth grader Serena Levingston created an eBook for the iPad about a young girl living during the Revolutionary War who discovers a spy “lurking in her village.” It made her feel like a real author, she wrote in a blog post for TechGirlz.
Levingston, a student at Wynnewood’s Perelman Jewish Day School, was one of more than 80 students from Jewish day schools in the region who showed off their best iPad work at the SmartSchool Showcase last month.
SmartSchool is an iPad learning program in partnership with Apple and OmniComp that was founded and funded by the Kohelet Foundation, a network of nine regional Jewish day schools that include schools in Bryn Mawr, Lower Merion, Cherry Hill, N.J. and Philadelphia. As part of the program, 1,200 iPads were distributed to students and 150 were distributed to faculty, according to eJewish Philanthropy.
Read more on eJewish Philanthropy.
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