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Arts / History

Hagley Museum is putting Brandywine Valley oral histories online

Starting in July, you can hear over 150 people discuss daily life around the turn of the 20th century in Northern Delaware.

Old Powder Mill at Hagley Museum. (Photo by Flickr user TravelingOtter, used under a Creative Commons license)

Hagley Museum and Library has been digitizing its collection for more than a decade, with a growing number of digital exhibits that can be viewed and explored online, including “Beer and Brewing History,” “Conversations on African American History” and “Wawa: The 45th Anniversary Exhibit.”

The museum’s latest online exhibit will launch on July 10.

Titled “Brandywine Valley Oral Histories,” the collection includes more than 150 interviews with people who lived and worked in the Brandywine Valley, most with a connection to the DuPont Company Powder Yards, which operated on the Brandywine from 1802 to 1921. Interviews were collected over 36 years, from 1954 to 1990.

To check out all of the online exhibits for free, click here.

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