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Affordable Care Act / Federal government / Health / Health tech / Municipal government

MD health exchange website signs up more than 2K accounts since launch

But technical difficulties sidelined Maryland Health Connection, the state's virtual health insurance marketplace, until about noon on its launch day of Oct. 1.

Technical difficulties sidelined Maryland Health Connection, the state’s virtual health insurance marketplace, until about noon on its launch day of Oct. 1.
As was the case with many other health-exchange websites across the U.S., glitches and “jammed phone lines” prevented many people from enrolling in a new health plan courtesy of the federal Affordable Care Act signed into law in 2010.
Since Tuesday, however, more than “2,000 accounts have been created on Maryland Health Connection since going live … while 100,000 people have visited the website for the new insurance marketplace,” according to the Baltimore Business Journal.
State officials told the BBJ that “high web traffic” has continued to make Maryland Health Connection sluggish.

Companies: Maryland Health Connection / U.S. Government

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