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Entertainment / STEM

With new podcast, Maryland STEM Festival looks to keep the content coming all year long

"Fun with the Maryland STEM Festival" offers a chance to hear a bit more from event organizers around the state, and keep the learning going year-round, said founder Phil Rogofsky.

Maryland STEM Festival founder Phil Rogofsky speaks at a launch party for the podcast in June. (Courtesy photo)

The Maryland STEM Festival looks to fit as much programming as possible into a week. In 2017, there was room for more than 600 events around the state.
Yet founder Phil Rogofsky sees value in continuing to spread word about the value of education in science, engineering, technology and math skills year-round.
So he started a podcast.
Fun with the Maryland STEM Festival launched in June, and has about a dozen episodes posted as of this writing. Rogofsky has ambitious plans of releasing four a week. Most episodes are about five minutes long.

While there’s value in a chance to interact in person during the event, Rogofsky sees the audio format as a way to offer people a chance to sit down with the people promoting STEM around the state.
“Podcasting is very intimate,” Rogofsky said. As listeners, people “feel like we’re connecting with the person.”
In part, the podcast is a window on the festival itself. The first episode looks at the creation of the event, and many hosts are among the interviewees. Guests like Katrina Robinson discuss STEM efforts at Morgan State, while Philosoplay’s Tony Powell discusses video game development. Rogofsky said he hopes most STEM organizers will participate.

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