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Can Siri keep a secret?

Love 'em or hate 'em, digital assistants are here. Discuss it at this happy hour panel with New America, Slate and WaPo.

She's listening ?. (Screenshot)

OK sure, that “boots and cats” beatboxing trick is cute, but can we really trust Siri? Or, for that matter, Cortana or Alexa?
All of the proliferating artificially intelligent digital assistants are the creation of tech companies and, as we use them, they collect valuable data on our interests and needs and more. So how will that data be used? Can we trust our digital confidants to keep secrets? And if not, is there a meaningful distinction between the expectation of privacy when using a web browser versus a digital assistant?
Do these questions strike you as prudent, or a little future-phobic?
New America is hosting a happy hour discussion on all this and more on June 8.
Alexandra Petri, an opinion writer for the Washington Post, will moderate a discussion between Will Oremus, tech writer for Slate, and Brigid Schulte, director of the Better Life Lab Program and The Good Life Initiative at New America.

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