Diversity & Inclusion
Cybersecurity / Women in tech

Greenbelt cybersecurity MOOC partners with Women in Technology

Cybrary.IT will offer training programs to WIT members and help expand a WIT training program for high school girls.

Women in Technology will be expanding some of its training programs using Cybrary.IT's learning tools. (Photo by Flickr user Ray_from_LA, used under a Creative Commons license)

Cybrary.IT is partnering with D.C. nonprofit Women in Technology to provide training courses to women seeking to enter the cybersecurity field.
The Greenbelt-based MOOC platform will offer training programs to WIT members. It will also contribute to expanding a WIT training program for high school girls.
“As our technology becomes more innovative and more complex, we need to build a stronger collective understanding of IT and cybersecurity,” WIT president Kellye Sheehan said in a press release Thursday.
“Our mission is to provide comprehensive IT and cyber security training options for underserved and disadvantaged people seeking to break into cyber security or advance in their current jobs,” added Cybrary cofounder Ryan Corey.

Companies: Cybrary

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