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Philly is killing it on this 2015 list of open data highlights

D.C.-based civic technologist Rebecca Williams put a call out on Twitter for the year's best open data efforts and Philly came out strong.

Open data FTW. (Philadelphia's historic City Hall at twilight by f11photo via Shutterstock)
Philly’s open data movement continued to shine in 2015.

The city’s property data release was named on a Twitter list of local open data highlights, started by D.C.-based by civic technologist Rebecca Williams. Other mentions include San Francisco’s housing data browser and Pittsburgh’s new open data portal.

Other Philly projects mentioned in that thread: the adorably-named Benny the Metadata Catalog, a new tool, and the recent property tax balance release, which full disclosure, we threw into the ring.
Here’s hoping this work continues into the Kenney administration.

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