
DuckDuckGo sees 50M direct searches/month

Privacy is not dead, said DuckDuckGo founder Gabriel Weinberg on CNBC last week. That's a myth. "People really do care about privacy," said Weinberg, clad in a startup-style T-shirt at the New York Stock Exchange. "They just don't have good alternatives."


Privacy is not dead, said DuckDuckGo founder Gabriel Weinberg on CNBC last week. That’s a myth.

“People really do care about privacy,” said Weinberg, clad in a startup-style T-shirt at the New York Stock Exchange. “They just don’t have good alternatives.”

The numbers prove his point: The Paoli-based search engine has grown to 50 million direct searches a month and is on pace to beat AOL, the CNBC segment reported.

DuckDuckGo was featured on three national outlets so far this month, CNBC, NPR’s On the Media and Business Insider, as the search engine that’s taking on Google.

Check out the audio and video segments below.

And audio:

Companies: DuckDuckGo

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