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21 experts are talking entrepreneurship at Black & Brown Founders

Mayor Jim Kenney is headlining the two-day conference happening Oct. 9–10 at Quorum.

At the event's first iteration earlier this year in San Francisco. (Courtesy photo)

The premise is clear enough to those in the know: Black and brown entrepreneurs have a harder time both raising venture capital and bootstrapping it.

In a push to level the playing field, Tinsel founder Aniyia Williams launched an effort called Black & Brown Founders, which held its first conference in May of this year in San Francisco.

“People who are trying to build a businesses are being told a story of how to get venture capital money, but the reality is a different one for women and people of color,” said Williams, a Penn State grad. “The checks just aren’t being cut.”

Williams is on a push to bring together other founders facing the same context. On Oct. 9 and 10, the Black & Brown Founders conference is happening at Quorum, with Mayor Jim Kenney as headliner and a roster of 21 speakers.

Get tickets

Slots are open for those wanting to offer their expertise as mentors during the one-on-one sessions by emailing

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