
Just go ahead and turn all the GIFs online into sexy Edward Snowden

File this one under interesting people doing cool things: Trammell Hudson's “Snowdenize.”

Wow, that's lounging. (Courtesy image)

The GIF thing was cute for awhile, but somewhere along the way — maybe when your company’s HR director sent you a very extended cats-and-Emma Stone-oriented “thumbs up” GIF for finally sending in your healthcare forms — they lost some of the punch they once had.
But, thank god, some Brooklyn techies have come up with a great solution: just make every GIF sexy Edward Snowden.

Wow, that's lounging.

Wow, that’s lounging.

It’s called Snowdenize and it’s the work of artist/hacker Trammell Hudson, who was inspired by a conversation between his friends @corcra and @carlolinesinders on Twitter.

The Edward Snowden-sex-symbol trope isn’t new, but it does rule. Just check out some of these comments on a reddit post titled, I think Edward Snowden is really sexy.

Watch the documentary about him, it has lots of footage of him being really hot and a badass. –imnormalreally
What about those sexy moles on his face and his neck –klbouchan
I’m a guy, but yeah… –oh_no_not_canola_oil

Snowden himself gave us a hint of the rampant sliding-into-of-DMs that goes on on his Twitter.
If you want to install the Snowdenize browser plugin, here’s the code, from Hudson’s site:

// ==UserScript==
// @name Snowdenize All Images
// @namespace net.trmm.snowdenize
// @author Trammell Hudson <hudson@trmm.net>
// @include *
// @Grant       none
// @version 2
// ==/UserScript==
var snowden = 'https://media.giphy.com/media/l0NwuLOY7KkpCERSo/giphy.gif';
window.setInterval(function() {
for(var i = 0 ; i < document.images.length ; i++)
        var match = /\.gif/.exec(document.images[i].src);
        if (match)
                document.images[i].src = snowden;
}, 1000);

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