String Theory Schools

Meet String Theory Schools

It is the mission of all String Theory Schools:

To Educate each student according to age and development so that learning and growth are united.

To Integrate the developing mind and body of the student with academics and the performing arts and sciences.

To Ensure each student’s excellence in core and academic skills.

To Awaken and preserve the spirit of our students through the visual and digital arts, vocal arts, instrumental music, creative writing, classical ballet, foreign language, innovations in the field of science, all intertwined with technology, and;

To Nourish this spirit and curiosity so that students continue to flourish long after the end of formal training.

In order to accomplish this mission, String Theory Schools offer a comprehensive educational program that emphasizes equally academic and artistic excellence. Utilizing the arts as a catalyst, String Theory Schools harness the most innovative teaching and learning techniques, to serve as a model for education and to prepare students for success.

We believe every student is gifted and has specific intelligences that must be nurtured. Providing students with equal opportunity for learning and discovery and development of their innate potentials, through String Theory Schools’ unique and rigorous curriculum blending academic and artistic excellence, we enable our students to become the next generation of creative leaders